Mastering Table Saw Jointing: A Comprehensive Guide

In woodworking, the jointer stands as a stalwart for creating smooth, straight, and square edges on lumber. However, not every woodworking enthusiast has immediate access to this machine, leading us to a creative solution that turns a tool you likely already have in your shop – the table saw – into a makeshift jointer. This long-form guide is crafted for DIY enthusiasts, beginners, and home improvement buffs eager to expand their woodworking knowledge and extract the utmost precision from their tools.

The Basics of Table Saw Jointing

how to use table saw as jointer

With its robust cutting capabilities, the table saw is commonly used to rip down stock and make straight cuts with unerring precision. But what if we told you that the same table saw can perform tasks often reserved for the jointer, particularly jointing edges of boards? This technique is especially beneficial when working with longboards, as it eliminates the need to flip and reposition the workpiece on a smaller jointer bed.

Why Convert a Table Saw to a Jointer?

A table saw jointing technique can prove invaluable for those who need more space or budget for a jointer. It is a cost-effective approach that yields jointer-level results in specific applications. Additionally, it can save time and effort by reducing the number of tools and machine setups required for a project.

Addressing Jointer Limitations

While jointers are exceptional for flattening one face and creating straight edges, these tasks can be challenging when working with long or wide boards that don’t fit on the join joiner’s table. With its more extended table and rip fence system, a table saw can address many of these limitations.

Safety Precautions and Set-Setupessities

Proper setup is critical to safety and the success of your jointing endeavours. Understanding the table saw’saw’shanics, blade guard system, and a suitable push stick for guiding the wood is essential, particularly during narrow cuts.

Creating a Shop-Made Fence for Your Table Saw

The first step in transforming your table saw into a jointer is the creation of a reliable fence that ensures the straightness of your cuts.

Materials for Your Shop-Made Fence

For a solid and dependable jointing fence, you will need a flat, rigid material such as melamine board, often used for tabletops and known for its stability and smooth finish.

Selecting the Right Blade

The blade you choose is crucial; thin-kerf blades are often preferred for their less invasive cuts and wood preservation. However, there are scenarios where a full-kerf blade might be the practical choice, especially for heavy hardwoods.

Setting Up Your Table Saw for Jointing

Once the shop-made fence is in place, it’s essential to ensure all elements of your table saw are aligned and ready for joint duties.

Marking the Fence Position

The alignment of your fence relative to your blade serves as a pivotal axis point for the precision of your jointing. Ensure the wall is perfectly parallel to the blade and square to the table, using a reliable framing square to confirm correctness.

Infeed and Outfeed Relief Cuts

To prevent dangerous kickbacks and accommodate the blade guard, you’ll need to create strategic cuts on your fence to serve as safe entry and exit points for wood as it moves through the blade.

Alignment and Positioning Checks

Your table saw’saw’ser gauge and position relative to the fence and the saw’saw’srall safety features must be inspected and calibrated before the first cut.

Executing the Jointing Process

With a safely configured table saw and a solid fence, it’s easy to start jointing.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Edge Jointing

Feather boards can be instrumental in ensuring your wood stock is held firmly against the jointing fence throughout the cut. Begin by jointing one edge of the board to create a flat reference surface, then use the flat side against the table saw’s fence for the secondary cut to straighten the adjacent edge.

Stability Aids in Execution

Incorporating feather boards and push sticks enhances stability and safety during jointing.

Troubleshooting Table Saw Jointing

Should you encounter uneven cuts, determining the cause – such as a misaligned fence or a warped workpiece – is the first step in the troubleshooting process. Accurate diagnosis is vital for swift rectification and improved performance.

Safety Considerations When Using a Table Saw as a Jointer

The safety protocols for a jointing table saw are identical to those for any table saw operation. Yet, they bear repeating due to the precision and steadiness required in jointing work.

Blade Choice and Maintenance

Regular blade inspection for sharpness, cleanliness, and appropriate tension ensures optimal performance and safe operation. Remember that blades used for jointing should be dedicated and not cross-contaminated with those employed for other table saw functions.

Feather Boards and Push Sticks

Use feather boards to maintain pressure against the fence during the cut and push sticks to guide the wood through the blade, keeping your hands safe from the cutting action.

Practical Applications and Tips for Optimizing Table Saw Jointing

Real-world examples and refined techniques offer a deeper understanding of making the most of your table saw as a jointer.

Achieving Smooth, Flat Edges

Ensuring your cuts are consistently slow and steady helps maintain accuracy while promoting the smoothest edge surfaces possible.

Comparing Table Saw Jointing to Traditional Jointing

While table saw jointing is a formidable substitute, it’s helpful to compare the results against those obtained from a traditional jointer to understand the nuances and limitations of each method.

Encouraging Creative Applications of the Technique

Demonstrate creative examples and scenarios in which the table saw jointing technique shines, proving its versatility and value across various woodworking ventures.


Concluding with a recapitulation of the benefits of table saw jointing; this guide urges readers to master this innovative technique. It also invites you to explore related content, including other woodworking tips and tricks, to enhance your craft continually.

By mastering the table saw jointing technique, woodworkers expand the capability of their workshops and gain a deeper appreciation for the tools they use. Adding the table saw jointing method to your woodworking toolkit can save you time and space or provide a challenging alternative approach. Remember, patience and safety are paramount. With diligent practice, you can unlock a world of precision and possibilities in your woodworking projects.

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